How is artificial intelligence being applied?


How is artificial intelligence being applied?

To date, AI has found application across a wide range of industries — most notably:

  • Healthcare: In this field, AI applications are able to provide faster and more accurate diagnosis through mining patient data and other available data sources, as well as acting as personal healthcare assistants, reminding patients to take their pills, exercise or eat healthier.
  • Education: AI in education offers the opportunity to automate the large number of repetitive tasks, such as grading, allowing educators more time for higher-value activities. AI is also able to provide additional support to students, ensuring they stay on track, even replacing the need for teachers in certain instances.
  • Finance: Within finance, AI techniques are being used to identify potentially fraudulent transactions, as well as adopting faster and more accurate credit scoring.
  • Manufacturing: An application of AI within manufacturing is its ability to quickly and accurately analyse IoT data as it’s received from connected devices, thus allowing the forecasting of expected load and demand using recurrent networks.
  • Law: Artificial intelligence in this sector is able to automate the often overwhelming task of sorting through documents to advance legal proceedings.
  • Automotive: Within the automotive industry, a well-known example of AI has been the evolution of self-driving cars through a combination of computer vision, image recognition and deep learning.

The value in AI is in its ability to automate repetitive learning and discovery through data analysis, whilst achieving incredible accuracy and adapting through progressive learning.


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