Noise analysis JOHN WOOD


How it works

noise.AI converts high-resolution acoustic data into actionable insights.

It can be deployed in automated analytics applications in the cloud, on-premises or in hardware at the sensor (edge) when a high-bandwidth network is not available.

Because the technology is sensor and platform agnostic, it can be integrated with your existing measurement and control system.

You can implement noise.AI at low risk and cost through a free demo including analysis of your site's historical noise levels and noise management actions, followed by a monthly subscription without setup fee.

  • Classifies sounds as they are sensed, providing deeper and more timely insight that enables bolder noise management action
  • Unlocks missed production opportunities, avoiding restrictions by false alarms and overly conservative curtailment while maintaining compliance
  • Relieves analysis burden and allows operators to focus on managing production-related noise levels by eliminating the ‘noise’ in the data
  • Ensures consistency in noise evaluation, with 24/7 availability
  • Supports accountability and transparency for reporting, auditing and quality control. AI performance can be supervised by subject matter experts through regular benchmarking.
  • Integrates with existing systems; sensor agnostic and remote-deployable via cloud infrastructure
  • Reduces noise management costs; available through a monthly subscription without setup fee


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